
Professor Simon Barnard is registered with the General Optical Council as an Independent Prescriber. He holds certificates in Ocular Therapeutics from Pennsylvania College of Optometry, USA, Ocular Therapeutics and Prescribing from City University, London and the Diploma in Independent Prescribing DipTh(IP) from the College of Optometrists, UK.

Professor Barnard is licensed to treat and manage a wide range of ocular disease following the clinical management guidelines of the College of Optometrists. This enables patients easy local access to diagnosis, and where applicable, treatment with both topical and oral medications.

Dry eye management is a speciality of the practice. Sophisticated treatment includes Blephex treatment for blepharitis,  LipiFlow for meibomian gland dysfunction and punctum plugs for aqueous deficiency.

Professor Barnard works closely with consultant ophthalmologists and will refer patients with more serious eye conditions.