Prof Doc (Optom) BSc (Hons) FCOptom (CL CVP)
After graduation from City University London in 1990, Dr Levit became one of only 20 professionals who achieved their Fellowship of the College of Optometrists (FCOptom), by examination, on contact lenses and children’s visual problems. From 1996 until 2006 Dr Levit was Principal Optometrist and contact lens specialist at Moorfields Eye Hospital (St. George's Eye Department). During this time he was appointed as the contact lens specialist at Central Middlesex Hospital, a role he still fulfils. Dr Levit was awarded his doctorate in research investigating the use of specialist scleral and corneal lenses in the management of keratoconus and related irregular cornea disorders. Dr Levit provides optometric expert medico-legal services as well as consultancy services to contact lens manufacturers.
Dr Levit is the inventor and developer of a unique contact lens design and fitting system for Keratoconus (ALK™ system) manufactured by Ultravision CLPL, a major UK based international Contact Lens Laboratory. These lenses are routinely used in the UK and abroad. The treatment of corneal ecstatic disorders like keratoconus, as well as other corneal pathologies and post refractive surgery complications form a significant part of Dr Levit’s contact lens work. In 2012. he was short listed for the national award of Contact Lens Practitioner of the Year 2012.

Contact Us
You can reach Barnard Levit Optometrists by phone: 020 8458 0599 or post: Zamenhof House, 58 Clifton Gardens, London, NW11 7EL, or email: