Optos technology has been used at Barnard Levit practice since 2001.
Invented in the early 1990s by Douglas Anderson, whose 5-year-old son went blind despite attendance to regular eye exams, following an undetected retinal-detachment. Anderson sought to facilitate a painless and efficient way to perform retinal examinations.
The Optomap ultra-wide digital imaging system ensures the capture of more than 80% of the retina, in a single panoramic image, as well as the anatomical layer below it, the choroid, usually without the need for pupil dilation. More traditional methods only reveal 10-15% of the retina.
Thus, the Optomap magnifies an Optometrists’ ability to detect and diagnose diseases, even at the earliest stages of development. Keeping an updated, detailed digital record of a patient’s retinal imaging ensures that any changes or abnormalities are noticed, and eye health is more thoroughly and accurately maintained.
In fact, the retina is the single place in the body where blood vessels can be seen directly, meaning that alongside eye conditions, including Glaucoma and AMD, signs of life-threatening diseases, such as stroke, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes, can also be detected via the retina.
It is important to note that the retina has no nerve endings, therefore, problems occurring at the back of the eyes, which might be suggestive of an issue elsewhere in the body or brain, will not be felt by the patient, in regard to pain or discomfort.
Ultimately, the Optomap retinal imaging system aids both you and your Optometrist to make informed decisions, concerning the health of your eyes and your general well-being. Most retinal conditions and other diseases are successfully treated if detected prematurely.
The Optomap is an accessible tool for assessing the eye health of patients in all age categories as well as those with inhibiting physical conditions.
Want to know more?
For more information on Optomap, or to book an appointment, please contact reception at reception@barnardlevit.com