A significant proportion of patients of Barnard Levit Optometrists are diabetic and when they attend the practice for an eye examination we will generally carry out a full eye examination which will include wide field retinal imaging with Optos Daytona and indirect ophthalmoscopy often with the patient's pupils dilated with eye drops.If macula oedema is suspected, ocular coherence tomography will be advised to confirm diagnosis. This is a 'case finding' eye examination rather than a dedicated diabetes screening which the patient may receive under the local screening scheme. Following the examination of a diabetic patient a routine report will be sent to the patient's GP.

Barnard Levit Optometrists offer Diopsys Electroretinogram testing to provide objective, functional information about global retinal health including the retina for our diabetic patients.

Further information on Diabetic Eye Disease can be found under Eye Conditions on the Barnard Levit Optometrists website.