Posted by on 23 May 2014 | 0 Comments


We're delighted to announce that our own Dr Simon Barnard was awarded Fellowship of the European Academy of Optometry at the EAOO annual conference held in Warsaw 16th-18th May 2014. Dr Barnard is now one of just twenty Fellows throughout Europe so you can understand our sense of pride at this accomplishment and recognition.

The EAOO are an organisation that aims to provide a much required voice to help promote and improve optometry and optics throughout Europe and the Fellows that make up the organisation are widely recognised as the best in the field and now Dr Simon Barnard is part of this fellowship.

Dr Barnard wasn't just at the annual conference to receive his fellowship award, he also presented a research lecture at the Warsaw conference in which he unveiled the results of research describing the new technology he has been instrumental in developing which will be available to ophthalmologists and optometrists as the Volk Eye Check.

Here at Barnard Levit, we pride ourselves on the quality of our practitioners and recognition like the award of fellowship from the EAOO for Dr Barnard is a reflection of the excellent work we do and is indicative of the pioneers we endeavour to be within our field.

See More: EAOO